ELL Admin Workshop – Troy, MO
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MODULE 1—ESL/ELL Overview (TELL Ch. 1)
Zoom Meeting—ESL/ELL Overview*
TELL Manuals*
ESL/ELL Terms 🎙️
Why Offer ESL/ELL Classes? 🎙️
CCalendar to Launch ESL/ELL program
5 lessons
MODULE 2—ESL/ELL Organization (TELL Ch. 2)*
7 Basic Organizational Skills Application*
ESL/ELL Branding
Which Curriculum Is Best?*
Teacher Job Description and Teacher Training Flyer
Registration Day Items*
5 lessons
MODULE 3—ESL/ELL Placement Test (TELL Ch. 3)*
Printables for Placement Interviews*
Video about Placement Interviews*
Application of Placement Interviews*
3 lessons, 1 quiz
Contact Carmen
MODULE 1—ESL/ELL Overview (TELL Ch. 1)
ESL/ELL Terms 🎙️
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