Please contact the course administrator to sign up for this course.
Please contact the course administrator to sign up for this course.

Course Lessons

ESL/ELL Overview (TELL Ch. 1)

A meet and greet time to briefly check out of what will be covered in this admin training and teacher workshop.*Items are needed to be completed for the NAMB/Send Relief Certification. Everything else would be great to be completed or at least read, but it’s extra.


Zoom Meeting—ESL/ELL Overview* TELL Manuals* ESL/ELL Terms 🎙️ Why Offer ESL/ELL Classes? 🎙️ Calendar to Launch ESL/ELL program

ESL/ELL Organization (TELL Ch. 2)*

ESL/ELL Placement Test (TELL Ch. 3)*

Placement Tests or Assessment Tests are essential items to place a student in the right class. It must be performed when student joins the program.*Items are needed to be completed for the NAMB/Send Relief Certification. Everything else would be great to be completed or at least read, but it’s extra.


Printables for Placement Interviews* Video about Placement Interviews* Application of Placement Interviews*